Joe Wayne Byers' Home Page

Joe Wayne Byers

Formerly Assistant Applied Professor of Finance

Phone: (713) 802-1297
Cell: (918) 269-1598 Email:
Disclaimer:  The following web pages are my pages from my former position at the University of Tulsa.  These pages do not in anyway imply that I am currently affiliated with the university.  I only provide my archives here for informational purposes only.  Thank you Joe W. Byers 

Trading and Risk Management

Finance 7153

Fall 2006

Instructor: Joe Wayne Byers
Phone: 918-269-1591 (cell)
Class Schedule: TTh 4:30-5:45
Office Hours: By appointment


Finance 7033/Finance 7133


McDonald, Robert L.  Derivatives Markets, 2nd Ed.  Addison Wesley, 2006.  ISBN: 0-321-28030-X

Haug, Espen G.  The Complete Guide to Options Pricing Formulas, McGraw-Hill, 1998.  ISBN:0-7863-1241-8

An Introduction to Technical Analysis.  The Reuters Financial Training Series, 1999.  John Wiley & Sons.  ISBN: 0-471-831271

Additional Resources:

Baxter, Martin, and Andrew Rennie.  (1996) Financial Calculus: an introduction to derivative pricing.  (Cambridge University Press, New York, NY).

Clewlow, Les, and Chris Strickland.  (1998).  Implementing Derivative Models.  (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  New York, NY).

Greene, William H.  (1997).  Econometric Analysis.  3rd Ed. (Prentice-Hall, New Jersey).

    Hull, J.  Options, Futures, & Other Derivatives, Prentice-Hall, 6th Ed.  2005. ISBN:0-13-009056-5

Jorion, Philippe.  (2001).  Value at Risk, 2nd Ed.    (McGraw-Hill, New York).

Natenberg, Sheldon.  (1994).  Option Volatility & Pricing.  (McGraw-Hill, New York).

Pindyck, Robert S., and Daniel L. Rubinfeld.  (1991).  Econometrics Models & Economic Forecasts, 3rd Ed.  (McGraw-Hill, New York).

Rebonato, Riccardol.  (1999).  Volatility and Correlation.  (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  New York, NY).

Taleb, Nassim.  (1997).  Dynamic Hedging: Managing Vanilla and Exotic Options.  (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  New York, NY).

Course Grades

Examination 100
Project 1 75
Project 2 75
Project 3 75
Project 4 75
Total 400


The examination is short answer, essay, and problem questions with partial credit awarded for all questions.  The examination will be open book and notes and will require a calculator.  Computer access is restricted.

Project 1: Trading Class simulations

Project 2: Empirical Analysis

Project 3: Analysis of Trader's Book

Project 2: Technical Paper Disscussion


The document Policies and Procedures Relating to Academic Misconduct in the College of Business Administration shall apply to this course.  Copies of the document are on reserve in BAH 218.

Center for Student Academic Support

Students with disabilities should contact the Center for Student Academic Support to self-identify their needs in order to facilitate their rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act.  The Cent for Student Academic Support is located in Holmes Student Center, Room 59. 

Missing Grades

All missing grades are recorded as zero unless the missed grade falls under the policy specified on pages E56-57 of the Student Handbook.  This policy states that the student should report to the Student Center for Academic Support in Holmes Student Center, Room 59 for a formal excuse.

Study Assignments

The topics and associated material is conceptually difficult meaning students will find it helpful to review the scheduled chapters and study assignments before class.  This pre-class preparation will assist students to understand the “basic” concepts allowing class time to be devoted to the more difficult material. 


Computer Lab: Excel (VBA), SAS, Matlab, Bloomberg, Mathematica, Moneyline, Compustat Research Insight.

GPL: Quantlib from, lpsolv5 from (requires user ID).

Other: Haug Excel addin (provided by professor once book is purchased), Visual Studio.

Tentative Schedule

Week Topic Chapter
1 Introduction and trading strategies.
2 Options on stock indices, currencies, and futures.
3 The Greeks
4 Implied volatility and volatility smiles
5 Technical Analysis
6 Estimating volatilities and correlations
7 Estimating volatilities and correlations and Value at Risk
8 Value at Risk
9 Examination  
10 Project #1A  
11 Project #1B  
12 Project #1C or Alternative TBD  
13 Fall Break  
14 Project #2A: Time series analysis  
15 Project #2B: Implied Volatility  
16 Project #3: Analysis of Trader's Book
Project #4: Technical Paper Discussion