Joe Wayne Byers' Home Page

Joe Wayne Byers

Formerly Assistant Applied Professor of Finance

Phone: (713) 802-1297
Cell: (918) 269-1598 Email:
Disclaimer:  The following web pages are my pages from my former position at the University of Tulsa.  These pages do not in anyway imply that I am currently affiliated with the university.  I only provide my archives here for informational purposes only.  Thank you Joe W. Byers 


Pricing and Managing Derivatives

 Course: Categories, Topic, and Subtopics


 Exotic Options

Reference: (Zhang, Pilipovic, Simkins, and Taleb)

  1. Forward Start Options and Clique Options: 
    1. Applications to Energy Markets and Executive Compensation
    2. Sensitivity calculations and their behavior
  2. Vanilla Barrier Options
    1. Application to Weather Derivatives
    2. Sensitivity calculations and their behavior
  3. Switching (tolling) options: Financial and Real Aspects
  4. Swing Options: pricing and sensitivities 

Risk Management

References: (Jorion, Risk Metrics, Wilmott, and articles)

  1. Hedging Effectiveness under FASB 133
  2. Survey of credit risk with applications to energy markets
  3. Capital Allocation using RAROC, Incremental VAR (Riskmetrics, Component VAR Jorion)
  4. Sarbaines Oxley as it applies to Corporate Risk Management
  5. Cash Flow @ Risk
    1. Special emphasis on liquidity and margin components
  6. Value at Risk systems

 Special Topics

Reference: (Pilipovic, Wilmott, Dunis, etal)

  1. Univariate estimation of multi-variate price processes with applications to energy.
  2. Cointegration as a hedging tool
  3. Cointegration in option pricing
    1. Applications to spread option pricing
  4. Applied Volatility and Correlation modeling
    1. Special emphasis on GARCH GJR models and Negative Exponential Distributions
  5. Seasonality modeling of Energy Prices
  6. Convenience yield in energy commodities
  7. Volatility and Correlation of Energy Forward Prices
  8. Higher moment greeks for vanilla options (Ddeltadvol and dgammadS)
  9. Shadow gamma and gamma/bleed with emphasis on risk management
  10. Discrete hedging in energy markets
  11. Model Risk