Joe Wayne Byers Formerly Assistant Applied Professor of Finance
Power Analytics PJM ISO FTR Participant Payout Analysis: The cash flow analysis include the costs for submitting bids and winning bids (.0088/Mwh). < FTR Cash Flow Analysis by Participant, Source, Sink, Year, Month, Hedge Type. FTR Cash Flow Analysis by Source, Sink, Year, Month, Hedge Type, Participant. Historical Daily LMP Statistics. PJM ISO Historical Zonal LMP's: Monthy Statistics for the Daily Mean, Max, Min, and Standard deviation and the monthly sum of the daily means (LMP for the month). Crude Oil and Natural Gas Analytics (work in progress) Historical Volatility Smiles of the NYMEX for 1995-1999. (work in progress) Any errors or omissions are solely the fault of Joe W. Byers, Ph.D.