Joe Wayne Byers' Home Page

Joe Wayne Byers

Formerly Assistant Applied Professor of Finance

Phone: (713) 802-1297
Cell: (918) 269-1598 Email:
Disclaimer:  The following web pages are my pages from my former position at the University of Tulsa.  These pages do not in anyway imply that I am currently affiliated with the university.  I only provide my archives here for informational purposes only.  Thank you Joe W. Byers 

Energy Analytics

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  • Power Analytics
  • PJM ISO FTR Participant Payout Analysis: The cash flow analysis include the costs for submitting bids and winning bids (.0088/Mwh). <
  • FTR Cash Flow Analysis by Participant, Source, Sink, Year, Month, Hedge Type.
  • FTR Cash Flow Analysis by Source, Sink, Year, Month, Hedge Type, Participant.
  • Historical Daily LMP Statistics. PJM ISO Historical Zonal LMP's: Monthy Statistics for the Daily Mean, Max, Min, and Standard deviation and the monthly sum of the daily means (LMP for the month).
  • Crude Oil and Natural Gas Analytics (work in progress)
  • Historical Volatility Smiles of the NYMEX for 1995-1999. (work in progress)
  • Any errors or omissions are solely the fault of Joe W. Byers, Ph.D.